capitol city quilt guild
multi color stripe


Brought to you by Jan Lee Asman and Linda Nelson.

Here`s a new idea for our guild meetings. Instead of Tiny Treats, we`ll be making `Units`. Each month a simple block based on Pat Speth`s 5" block units will be our project. The only color requirement is that one part should be a light fabric and the other part a dark fabric. We encourage everyone to participate so that there will be many Units to win. If possible, you should make 10 Units each month and whoever is the lucky winner will receive all the Units. If just 10 members bring 10 Units each there will be 100 Units to win and we promise that each month all Units will go to just one winner. If we all contribute, that`s practically a whole quilt. If the response is large enough, the Units may be divided creating more than one winner.

multi color stripe

Fall Blooms

October, 2012

9" finished / 9 1/2" unfinished

This is a fun and easy block!! Use fall colors, light for back- ground, an accent color for corner triangles; light, medium and dark for Yo Yo flowers, green 1/4" rick rack for stems and green embroidery floss for leaves and one button.

Background: 1 - 9 1/2" square
Accent color: 4 - 2 1/2" squares--- on wrong side of fabric draw a diagonal line on each one
Yo Yo flowers: 1 - 5"circle (medium)
1 - 4" circle (dark)
1 - 3 1/2"circle (light)

On 9 1/2" square, place a 2 1/2" square on each corner (right sides together) and sew on diagonal line. Trim 1/4" away from seam and press corners to show triangles.  Cut rick rack for stems and arrange on top of 9 1/2” square (as shown in picture). Stitch through center of rick rack. Using green embroidery floss, embroider leaves using stem stitch (or use your sewing machine to make leaves). See placement on picture.

On yo yo circles fold down and sew a running stitch around edge and pull tight to form gathers. All yo yo`s will be used with gathered sides up. Place the light 3 1/2" yo yo on top of medium 5" yo yo and attach on stem (as shown in pic- ture) Place the medium 4" yo yo on other stem and attach with button in middle.

You are done! Of course you can change the combination of light, medium and dark for your flower yo yo`s. Can`t wait to see your blocks.